Sep 5Liked by Sarah Teresa Cook

I am enjoying listening to the podcast episodes!

The writers club sounds like such a great space; the timing doesn’t work for me, otherwise I would have signed up.

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Oh I'm so glad, Hanna! <3

And thanks so much for that feedback...to be honest, I'm hearing that from quite a few people. I'd love to ask: are there different days / time slots that work best for you, in general? I'm just collecting any data I can to keep in mind for a potential round two :)

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Sep 3Liked by Sarah Teresa Cook

Good morning! It is always a mighty fine pleasure to wake up to your importantly beautiful writing. Best wishes with your many noble endeavors.

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Thanks, Bill!

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Sounds wondrous! You’ve found a fellow neurodivergent author here - diagnosed with ADHD at 49, dyspraxia diagnosis pending at 51.

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